Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de comfort

to comfortconfortar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I comfortyo conforto
you comforttú confortas
he comfortsél conforta
she comfortsella conforta
we comfortnosotros confortamos
you comfortvosotros confortáis
they comfortellos confortan
they comfortellas confortan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I comfortedyo conforté
you comfortedtú confortaste
he comfortedél confortó
she comfortedella confortó
we comfortednosotros confortamos
you comfortedvosotros confortasteis
they comfortedellos confortaron
they comfortedellas confortaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have comfortedyo he confortado
you have comfortedtú has confortado
he has comfortedél ha confortado
she has comfortedella ha confortado
we have comfortednosotros hemos confortado
you have comfortedvosotros habéis confortado
they have comfortedellos han confortado
they have comfortedellas han confortado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had comfortedyo había confortado
you had comfortedtú habías confortado
he had comfortedél había confortado
she had comfortedella había confortado
we had comfortednosotros habíamos confortado
you had comfortedvosotros habíais confortado
they had comfortedellos habían confortado
they had comfortedellas habían confortado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will comfortyo confortaré
you will comforttú confortarás
he will comfortél confortará
she will comfortella confortará
we will comfortnosotros confortaremos
you will comfortvosotros confortaréis
they will comfortellos confortarán
they will comfortellas confortarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have comfortedyo habré confortado
you will have comfortedtú habrás confortado
he will have comfortedél habrá confortado
she will have comfortedella habrá confortado
we will have comfortednosotros habremos confortado
you will have comfortedvosotros habréis confortado
they will have comfortedellos habrán confortado
they will have comfortedellas habrán confortado

I would comfortyo confortaría
you would comforttú confortarías
he would comfortél confortaría
she would comfortella confortaría
we would comfortnosotros confortaríamos
you would comfortvosotros confortaríais
they would comfortellos confortarían
they would comfortellas confortarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have comfortedyo habría confortado
you would have comfortedtú habrías confortado
he would have comfortedél habría confortado
she would have comfortedella habría confortado
we would have comfortednosotros habríamos confortado
you would have comfortedvosotros habríais confortado
they would have comfortedellos habrían confortado
they would have comfortedellas habrían confortado

Participio presenteAnotado
comforting confortando

Participio pasadoAnotado
comforted confortado

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